Bus Information

Bus Information - Enrolment - Tauranga Boys' College

Over 1000 students at Tauranga Boys’ College come to and from school each day by bus. 

Please read the information below to find an option for your son, and ensure he knows the rules and locations of the appropriate bus stop. If you need assistance please contact the school office on (07) 578 4029. 

School Bus Rules

Students waiting for buses must wait inside the school grounds. Any student leaving the school grounds (to go to Countdown or shops etc) will be deemed to have left school for the day and will be unable to travel on the bus.

Students must remain on the bus all the way to school. They do not get off at other stops such as ‘Girls’ College or Tauranga Intermediate.

Once students have arrived at school by bus, students must stay inside the school grounds.

School rules around behaviour also apply while travelling on the bus, to and from school. Respect for the driver and others is required at all times. Any poor behaviour may result in removal from the bus for a period of time, a term, or permanently.

Rural Bus Students:   https://schooltransport.org.nz/schools/tauranga-boys-college/ 

ALL students will need a bus pass to use the rural buses.  Most of these buses are free, however if you live west of Wairoa River then your bus is ‘fare paying’ which can be paid for when ordering.

Order a rural bus pass from:   https://schooltransport.org.nz/about-bus-passes/order-a-bus-pass/           

We will notify you when your ordered bus pass is ready to be collected from the school office.

* The bus stop for rural buses at TBC is on Devonport Road.   

Bee Cards

Students are required to use a Bee Card on some bus routes – if using a Bee Card make sure that you have had your concession loaded otherwise you will be charged the default fare. If this puts your Bee card balance below $0, you will be unable to tag on again until you top-up.

If you are a student and paying by cash, please either be in school uniform or present your student ID to the driver to have your concession applied.

A registered Bee Card must be used to tag on and tag off the bus to travel for free or receive the concession fare.

During peak times (before 9am and between 2.30pm-6pm) *

*This applies on weekdays, during school terms, for Tauranga Bayhopper 

To apply for a Bee Card and get a concession loaded, please visit https://www.baybus.co.nz/fares-and-bee-card/bee-card/ and plan your bus journey at www.baybus.co.nz.

School Hopper Bus Students:   https://www.baybus.co.nz/plan-your-trip/school-bus-services/

School Hopper Bus: Blue or White buses - No Bee Card required

School Hopper Bus: Yellow buses - Bee Card required (it must be preloaded with a child concession and you must tag on and off the bus to avoid being charged the default fare)

School bus route 802c for students who live in or near Ohauiti - BEE card required

School bus route 803a for students who live in or near Welcome Bay

School bus route 805 for students who live in or Maungatapu

School bus route 806a for students who live in or near The Lakes

School bus route 807 for students who live in or near Freeburn Rd

School bus route 808a for students who live in or near Cameron Road and Cambridge Road

School bus route 902 for students who live in or near Welcome Bay- BEE card required

School bus route 903a for students who live in or near Pyes Pa

School bus route 903b for students who live in or near Pyes Pa (Tauranga Boys' College - afternoon only)

* The bus stop for School Hopper buses at TBC is on 13th Ave.

Urban Bus Students 

A registered Bee Card must be used to tag on and tag off the bus to travel for free or receive the concession fare.

During peak times (before 9am and between 2.30pm-6pm) *

*This applies on weekdays, during school terms, for Tauranga Bayhopper 

https://www.baybus.co.nz/fares-and-bee-card/bee-card/ for further information and to order a beecard online.

Click the following link and go to "Tauranga Urban" for bus maps https://www.baybus.co.nz/routes/1 

Urban buses passing Tauranga Boys' College are:  1,  40,  55,  59,  62, 71

The bus stops for public buses near TBC are on Cameron Road, 14th Ave & Fraser Street.