Giving at Tauranga Boys' College
E hara taku toa i te toa taki tahi, he toa takitiniMy strength is not as an individual, but as a collective
Your support helps us to provide many quality educational opportunities and resources plus buildings and facilities for our current students, and will ensure future generations can enjoy an equally high standard of education at Tauranga Boys' College.
Tauranga Boys' College has received support and donations from our philanthropic community and we are very grateful for the difference it makes here. Now, we have made it so much easier to be a supporter and now many more people who also wish to 'give back' to their college, their 'Tūrangawaewae' in many ways.
Each of our giving platforms below has a different, but universally positive impact on the College and our students. All donations are recognised annually, and donations over $5.00 are eligible for a tax donation receipt. Thank you - we appreciate your generosity!
Click Here to Donate
or contact the Principal's Executive Assistant, Janine Goldthorpe on [email protected] or phone us on +64 7 5579060.