COVID-19 Protection Framework (traffic lights)
College is OPEN for all students. Under the COVID-19 Public Health Response Order, schools are exempted from physical distancing requirements when people are there to receive, provide, or support education services.
> Latest from the Principal
> Latest from the NZ Government
Requirements and recommendations by the MOE / MOH. Detail of the protocols under which we will be operating can be found here. Please remind your sons to regularly wash and dry their hands, cough & sneeze into elbows and don't touch their face.
> Face Coverings
Face coverings are encouraged but not required at school. It remains an option for individuals and a decision for the individuals and whanau. Whatever decisions students and teachers make, it is their own to make and needs to be respected. Where an individual chooses to use a face covering they should supply and wear their own, and do so safely. There will be differences of view about the use of face coverings, and it is important to show tolerance toward individual choice in this matter.
> Buses
Face coverings are required on all buses.
> Visitors to the College
All visitors to the college are encouraged to wear a mask and scan in at the school office.
Please ensure Caregiver email and contact details are up-to-date and notify [email protected] of any changes.